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3 Ways to Improve Your Control Valve Performance

Author:     Published time:2016-11-14 14:18     Reading times:1147    

Control valves play an important role in the success of your plant. They help you achieve higher product quality and higher efficiency. This means better products and more cost savings.

There are three ways to improve the performance of the control valve.

Make sure all system components are the right size

We have already talked about the importance of properly adjusting the valve size.

Engineers often choose too much valves, which are logic based on your future needs, and may require larger valves.

But this logic is flawed. If the valve is too large, you will not be able to achieve precise control of the process variable. You are now giving up the best possible efficiency and performance possibilities you'll want on the way.

This is not the only "but".

The control valve is not only a part of a larger valve assembly but also a part of a larger fluid system. All other components of the system also need to be of the correct size. For example, if the pump is too large, then over the General Assembly on the valve performance and efficiency of serious damage.

3 Ways to Improve Your Control Valve Performance

Consider dynamic performance

Size is not the only determinant of valve selection. The traditional selection process involves looking at several variables, including process temperature, pressure, and media.

However, as the authors of the Valve Journal article have noted, these traditional factors are not enough. You also need to consider the dynamic performance factors, that is, consider the valve in the fixed performance conditions of the operating environment.

They recommend that you evaluate dynamic performance by answering the following three questions:

Is the valve moving?

How fast is the valve moving?

Does the valve provide the correct process gain?

The core of these questions, their answers can reveal that you may have some problems, such as dead zones. By considering them during the selection process, you can "significantly improve the control valve performance."

Protect your valves

Many problems with control valves can be traced back to the lack of proper maintenance.

If your valves are contaminated with water or foreign matter, they will not function properly. If they are damaged due to excessive vibration, they will not work properly. If their mechanical connections are loose, they will not function properly.

You can protect your valves with routine maintenance procedures, including diagnostic tests, to identify these problems before they occur.

Related recommendation:

What is the Main Materials of Gasket for Valves

How to Install Gasket for Valves

How to Choose the Right Gasket for the Valves

Product recommendation:

Forged Ball Valve

Flange Forged Ball Valve

Actuated Stainless Steel Ball Valve


