Author:     Published time:2017-03-07 07:27     Reading times:1079    

Prior to the mid-1950s, the choice of valve for use in pipeline blocking applications was easygate valve was used because the pipeline ball valve had not been invented yet. A little of plug valves also were used back then, but the majority of the designs for these valves were reduced-port type .

Why do many pipeline owners favor the gate valve for pipeline service? Product pipelines that carry fluids such as gasoline, distillate, diese l fuel and other finished petroleum products are a popular place for the rough and ready gate valve. We use slab gate valves for most of our main line valves, but we do use expanding gate valves on our product line from Texas City to Pasadena, says Billy Daigle, maintenance services specialist for Marathon Pipe Line LLC (MPL). 

Related recommendation:

ANSI B16 Metal Sealed Types Of Gate Valves

DIN Standard CF8 Gate Valve 4 Inch

DIN F5 Flange Type Carbon Steel Gate Valve
